
Guaranteed Resources
  • Guaranteed resource instances (CPU, RAM, general usage): 99.999% monthly availability rate.
  • Object storage containers: 99.9% monthly availability
  • 100% monthly data resilience rate

In the event that our support team experiences a loss of connectivity (excluding scheduled maintenance), you earn 0.5% compensation per minute of downtime up to 100% of your usage related to object storage containers.

If the data resilience rate is not met, 100% of your container-related usage will be offset.

In which regions is Clody available?

Coverage throughout Europe.

Data Centers located in:

  • 2x France (North & Est)
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • Poland

Coverage throughout North-America.

Data Centers located in:

  • Canada

Coverage throughout Asia-Pacific region.

Data Centers located in:

  • Australia

Note: Special features for this area. Ask for more information.


Anti-DDoS protection.

Infrastructure based on OpenStack.

Firewall protection based on OpenStack security.

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